Upcoming Events:
LCMA usually meets the 3rd Thursday evening of the month, January through June and September through November. (We do not meet in July, August and December.)
We offer 1 hour of AAMA-approved Continuing Education Credit at each of these meetings, covering a broad range of topics eligible for Clinical, General, and Administrative credit.
Meetings are held at PacificSource Health Plans building at 555 International Way, in Springfield. The meeting room is available to us by 6:00 p.m. Education begins between 6:15 and 6:30.
There is no charge to attend our chapter education meetings and all medical office staff are welcome and encouraged to attend.
If you would like to receive information via email about LCMA and OSMA continuing education opportunities, please send us your email address and a note requesting to be added to our distribution list.
Our Board meets the 1st Thursday of most months (location varies). Members are welcome to attend Board meetings, and encouraged to participate in the leadership of the Chapter. There are many ways to become involved. Contact an officer or respond to the email address below.
Contact us at: LaneChapter.MedicalAssistants@gmail.com
Candy Miller, CMA (AAMA)
Vice President
Susan Stoltenborg, CMA (AAMA)
Joyce Garibay, CMA (AAMA)
Kathy Keating, CMA (AAMA)
Membership Chair
Joyce Garibay, CMA (AAMA)
Marketing Chair
Candy Miller, CMA (AAMA)
Public Affairs
Candy Miller, CMA (AAAMA)
Nida Stegner, CMA (AAMA)
Rachael McLeod, CMA (AAMA)
Susan Stoltenborg, CMA (AAMA)